Starting a gauge swatch for a new project is absolutely not the same as casting on for the actual project.
I know I said I am going to force myself to finish one of the three projects I currently have on the needles (all for me) before starting something new, but I figure making a gauge swatch and planning out the sweater don't count.
I have made the top shown in this Spring/Summer '98 issue of Family Circle Easy Knitting twice already, but this time I am going to make some changes. For one thing, my gauge swatch is showing me I am not going to get 22 stitches to 4 inches with this Reynolds Saucy from my stash. Plus I want to make it in the round instead of in pieces. So I see some difficult days ahead with...shudder...math involved.
This particular issue of FCEK is rather ragged around the edges, because in addition to the top shown, I've also made three other sweaters. I love it when I actually feel like I've gotten my money's worth from a magazine!
Just to show you I really am not cheating, I present a progress photo on the neckwarmer I am making for myself from Wisdom Yarns' Poems. I love the way the color changes fit so well with the design.
The next warmer is beautiful. I ran out of yarn also after adding two ridges and also used snaps (in addition to the three buttons to keep it closed.
Definitely not cheating! There's nothing wrong with planning ahead :D
Your neck warmer looks really pretty - I love those colors.
Ooh! I love the neck warmer. I've used Poems and the color changes are pretty and very subtle.
Good luck figuring out the math on the sweater. Math is not my favorite subject, either.
I'll be thinking of you when Liat goes into the army. :)
I love the color changes of this yarn. I have never heard of it before. Is it acrylic or ???
thinking of you today.
I love that pattern, and the color changes that work so well with it. I need to have one of those neck warmers but for me, I would call it a bibb.....yeah, getting old is so much fun, not having food stay on the fork isn't!
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