You knew this was going to happen, didn't you? (If not, hello my name is Amy. Welcome to Bag of Chocolates).
I am a sucker, what can I say? By the way, I may or may not have mentioned before that the slang word for "sucker" in Hebrew is פרייר. It is pronounced "fryer" just like the chicken.
That's me.
But after all, these little Hamsterbeans are a quick knit that uses up those balls of leftover yarn that are so small you can't even imagine any possible way you can use them (but, like me, you can't bear to throw them away).
I actually made this Hamsterbean on Thursday, sort of following in the tradition of my Papa Max, who used to celebrate his own birthday by giving his family gifts. Meital was, of course, thrilled. Not completely satisfied, but thrilled. After all, if I made a second one, could numbers 3, 4, and 5 be far behind?
I'm getting that "The Trouble with Tribbles" feeling....
The minute I saw the picture I just chuckles. I know you too well, Amy, and just knew the first one would start to They are adorable.
Now I like this picture much better.
What a good Mom you are...
LOL Trouble with Tribbles! LOL!
That's what these are, tribbles! And, I think #'s 3,4,5... can't be too far behind. I like the variation on the eyes.
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