I lost a friend today. I first met Judy on-line, in one of my knitting groups. We got to know one another through e-mails. Judy was the person who encouraged, and then taught me, how to knit socks. So if you are one of the people I have knit socks for, you have Judy to thank. She explained the process, answered my newbie questions, and applauded my efforts. She sent me a gift of sock yarn to make sure I was well and truly hooked! Not only that, I learned to knit socks from the basic pattern Judy offered for free on her website. I purchased some of her patterns, but she gave me at least as many, just because she was that kind of person. Thoughtful, kind, and warm. I was so happy when a dream came true for her in 2009, when a book of her sock patterns was published by Stewart, Tabori & Chang (it's called
Knitted Socks East and West, if you're interested). I was able to travel to Knoxville with my family several years ago, and we met Judy for lunch at the Panera near the yarn shop where she worked, teaching others to knit.
She touched so many lives, and all of us will always have a place in our hearts saved just for her. Rest in peace, Judy. You will be greatly missed.
A very thoughtful tribute of Judy by you Amy. I remember through the same knitting group the write ups and then the credits you gave to Judy then when she taught you to knit those socks I never met her in person but learned to know her from you and that meeting.I have followed the comments as well over the past few weeks by Judy's daughter on her mom's FB page and have read the tributes by others as well unknown to me about how Judy touched their lives one way or another; all were loving and thoughful as well. I send through this my condolences to her family and add as others have, Judy you will be missed.
I felt like a celebrity myself when she sent me a my first basic sock pattern! I mean, I personally knew a real live author!! LOL! And she was so helpful in answering my questions! Knitting socks just never did become my passion. Sweaters are. So I again felt so special when I learned that her and I were knitting the same sweater pattern from the current (at the time) Creative Knitting magazine! I would sit and knit on it and think of her knitting the same thing!
Thanks for sharing that sweet memory of Judy, Amy. I remember her telling me,and just me alone via the list, that she was chosen to participate in the Vogue Live event in NYC this past January. I felt so special at the time that she was sharing her secret with me. I know she felt all the love being sent her way these past few months!
It's nice to see you back online, and I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. She looks and sounds like such a nice lady!
Your friend will be remembered by you and the multitude of socks that you made. Such a nice legacy. It is sad that another creative light has been diminished. That was very sweet of you to acknowledge her gifts on your blog... another testament to your friend's talent in developing true friendships.
What a great legacy she's left behind. Knitters are just about the sweetest ppl one can get to know.
Nice tribute, Amy. Thank you.
Did she work at a place named Yarn Haven? I lived in the Knoxville area for a short time and shopped there 2 or 3 times. It was a nice little store!
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