I really have no idea where I was going with this page, I just added things without thinking about it too much. I have had the dog and woman pictures cut out and saved for a few years now. Originally I thought I would use them on Artist Trading Cards (mini artworks on cardstock 2.5" x 3.5" that are traded with other artists, see some examples here), but I never did. I guess because they wouldn't have fit together on one card, and clearly they were meant to be together, no? Eventually I may add some text in that blank area; I haven't come across anything that just screams to be added yet, so I can't say for sure. I could very easily forget all about it!
This is the other side of the page above. I colored in the rays of the sun with various coloring media - some of which I had completely forgotten I had (see last sentence of paragraph above). At the very least it was a good exercise in using what I have - and remembering what I have! I have moved on in the book and probably won't end up adding anything in that blank corner, either. But who knows?
Next time I hope to show you four pages that I did all in a theme. I just put the finishing touches on the fourth page today, but I am also working ahead on the next two pages. I have found another book I may end up altering, one that I've had for probably about 18 years or more, and haven't opened in almost that amount of time. Again, it's a reference and resource book that is way out of date (1988) and since I've written in the margins and highlighted in it, I would never donate it to a library. Sounds like a good candidate for an altered book, doesn't it? I think I may do the pages a little differently in the new book, because I am really not happy with the way the pages are when there are several glued together. They come out sort of rippled, and in some cases creased.