While searching for the small umbrella I know Liat bought last winter, I ended up cleaning out the bottom of her closet. Aside from the dust bunnies and dessicated bug corpses, I found four pairs of sneakers that were too small for her. Luckily, three of those pairs still fit Meital, who is now enjoying them. I also cleaned out several rather ratty pairs of slippers, and these plastic scuffs. Liat and I each got a pair of these a few years ago (mine are pink). We mostly loved the beads and sequins that decorated them, but it also turned out they were perfect for wearing outside by the pool, since any overflow of pool water wouldn't hurt the plastic. But as you can see, the plastic didn't hold up too well in the toe area.
You know I wouldn't let these scuffs go into the trash without salvaging all that bling, right? While some of the sequins are losing their pearlescent coating, most are just fine. Now I need to get busy de-nuding my scuffs. Wonder how Liat and I will end up using all this bounty?
I've also been knitting. As you can see, I'm past the heel now on Avi's first Chanukah sock (in Opal, of course). I am trying to work on these without his noticing, but Liat thinks he is on to me. We'll find out next month. I just turned the heel today on my second "Go Team" sock (pattern is from the Six Sox Knitalong Yahoo group). Of course, my socks say Maccabi Tel Aviv! (but you knew that). Originally, I ordered two balls of yellow and two of blue (this is Knit Picks Palette), specifically to make this pattern. Unfortunately, somehow my order got turned around (I had to order through a friend, as Knit Picks doesn't ship internationally) and I only got one of each color. My friend suggested doing the socks this way, and I think it was a brilliant idea on her part. And finally, the green (Plymouth Encore) sweater back you see there is the start of Meital's Starsky Jr. sweater. Once I can manage to keep a thought in my head, I plan to get back to work on that. But for now, I'm sticking with good old stockinette.
It's for the best, trust me.
*Sick Bay
Love the team socks!! So creative! Sweater is coming along well and also looks great. Would Avi own up to the fact he knows you are knitting for him?...lol!!
I love the socks! Add me to your sick bay too. DH shared his cold with me and this is day 9. Ugh.
Very nice socks! VERY nice! and I liked your bling... you could use it for your daughters, making fancy friendship bracelets?
Sorry to hear 'bout your cold; hope you feel better soonest!
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I love the color of the blue on the socks. I like the bling from the shoes. I am sure you will find a good use for them. You can add me to your sick bay too. I'm fighting a cold.
Man, even sick you just can't rest :) take it easy, read a book and lounge around, you deserve it.
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