In all, I made 6 knitted gifts this year: 3 pairs of socks, 2 hats, and a pair of wristwarmers. Above are the socks for Meital, from Sockotta yarn I was given by my lovely friend Ellen. See how nicely they worked up, Ellen? Meital is delighted with them, and immediately pulled off her socks and put these on when she opened them last night.
And here are Liat's socks. I succeeded in surprising her with these, which made me happy. She thought I would start on them once Meital's were done, and I deliberately fooled her (how evil of me) by waiting until the very last second to finish Meital's socks. Meanwhile, of course, I was secretly working on these as well (up to and including taking refuge in the bathroom to knit undisturbed, once the girls were home on vacation and my stealth knitting time was limited. Yarn is Cherry Tree Hill. Liat also immediately pulled off her socks and put these on last night.
This is the hat I made for Liat, and which did NOT surprise her. This is the second Coronet Hat (pattern on Knitty) I have made; the first one was a gift which has not yet been received, but Liat saw it and wanted the same hat. Actually, she wanted that exact hat, but the color was perfect for the recipient, so I had Liat chose another yarn from my stash (some acrylic I've had for awhile - very soft and a pretty color, but it squeaks when I knit with it. 'Nuff said.) For Liat's hat, I simply picked up the stitches along the cabled band on the right side, so that there would not be a folded up brim; I also made the hat shorter so that it doesn't come down over Liat's earlobes and get tanlged in her earrings.
I've already shown you Avi's socks and the wristwarmers, so we're about caught up now on knitted gifts. Next time, I'll show you the knitting bag I made for Meital.
Beautiful hat, beautiful socks!
Just gorgeous! You do such nice work; your blog always inspires me, especially when I get ready to toss my knitting across the room!
I made a hat and some fingerless gloves as gifts - I love gift-giving time!
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