I had a lot of fun making this row house for a new challenge at Club Posh. We were given a size range, not hard-and-fast size rules like for Artist Trading Cards. My row house is 2.5" x 4". The theme was flowers, and we were supposed to name our houses. Mine is called the House of Posh Blessings. Of course, all stamps are by Dee Gruenig.
I went into town today to return the leftover fuzz from Liat's scarf (two unused balls). I bought a skein of yarn, at Liat's request, for a friend of hers who wants to learn to knit. And then I saw this yarn, and figured one or both of my girls would love the color. They only had these two skeins, so I ordered three more. I have a feeling I will need even more, because they both like it and want sweaters from it. I have been trying to knit from my stash, but I just don't have enough of anything to knit either of them a whole sweater. And while I would really rather not knit with 100% acrylic anymore, this shop doesn't carry much of anything else and the prices, as compared to yarn in the U.S., are unbeatable. These 100 gram skeins have over 200 yards of yarn and cost me somewhere around $2.50 each. Plus, I didn't have to pay for shipping. I guess I will splurge on wool on our next trip to the U.S.
Today we continued to work on one of the large translation projects we received last week. It's pretty technical, and the Hebrew is convoluted enough to lead me to believe it was written by a lawyer, so the going is slow. It's for a new client, and we really want to do an outstanding job.
I found a few minutes to do some cross stitching today on Fred (Frederick the Literate), which was fun. It was lovely sitting by the open window, in the mild winter sunshine with a cool breeze wafting in. Unfortunately, our weather is much more spring-like than wintry, and we are not getting the rain we so desperately need. But I am trying to enjoy the pleasure to be found in what we do have.
I've accomplished a fair amount on Liat's cabled bolero, and really must take a progress photo for you soon. The Peruvian Highland yarn I am using (from Elann) is soft and lovely, and the pattern is just challenging enough to keep me on my toes without overwhelming me. My Better Than Vanilla sock is growing and the pattern is as much fun as I'd remembered from the last time I made these socks. And the yarn is just yummy, an Opal Magic in minty green. I've done a little more on my sister's wristwarmers, but my sweater hasn't been out of the closet in a while. Maybe later this week...
What a pretty card! You did a great job. I luv wildflowers, so this one really appeals to me :D
I like that shade of yarn - doesn't surprise me that you're having to order more! I don't know many girls who could resist it!
Glad to hear you're working on Fred, too - I got my fourth book done today - hope to finish the owl tomorrow so I can post a scan and take a short break to start Samurai. Then it's back to Fred - I'm really enjoying working on him!
You are busy indeed!
My daughter would like that color, too, so I understand where yours are coming from! And the price WAS right.
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