Today I finally finished the wristwarmers for my sister. Since my usual hand model was at school and my photographer wannabe was home sick (again), I had Meital take this photograph. These wristwarmers look absolutely ridiculous without hands inside. The pattern is mine with help from The Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns, and the yarn is Schaefer Anne.
I made these Frosted Cakey Brownies a couple of days ago, and they are a hit. Problem is, the recipe makes a 9 x 13" pan's worth of lusciousness, so 'twould be well to make these when you are expecting guests. Or a horde of starving teenagers.
In other news, I made a card I am very pleased with but cannot share with you for the time being. I am also working on a triple-tag card that I hope to be able to share with you soon. I finished my first Better Than Vanilla Sock, and cast on for the second. And I have made good progress on Liat's bolero.
And the unprecedented part? Well, of course casting off the wristwarmers meant I was free to cast ON for something new. The Wisdom Yarns Poems that I purchased in Oklahoma City a couple of years ago was calling my name, so I started a neck warmer pattern that my friend Joansie featured on her blog a while back. Thanks, Joansie, for finding and knitting up that pattern so that I could discover it while admiring your lovely neck warmer. Hope I finish mine before it gets too hot to wear it.
With the neck warmer on the needles, I once again have four knitting projects in progress. The unprecedented aspect to this is that three of those projects are for me. It feels very odd, let me tell you!
I love the wristwarmers. Is that yarn Trekking? Your sister will really like the mitts.
Thanks for mentioning my blog. Is it the Thermis you are knitting? It's addictive. You might want to knit one fewer repeat but it's up to you.
I love the wristwarmers! And it's a good thing it's too late in the evening to run go make brownies.
Those wristwarmers are gorgeous! I have yet to make some with fingers...
And that brownie is to die for.
Love the wristwarmers! Colors are fantastic.
Gazed at your brownie while forcing down the egg whites and soy... :::heavy sigh:::
Love your blog site. I check in from time to time via Karin's blog knitting and...
I love your recipes I can't wait to try this brownie. Yummy!
Love the mitts and BROWNIES! The shrig looks great and if she likes then you have success!
I love the colors of those gloves!!! Darn I really wish I could knit.. or say, had the patience to start and try it out hehe.
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