I finally took the time to make a hat for myself! It's the Claudia hat, and it's a free pattern! I made some changes to the pattern, like using a size 5 (instead of size 4) US needle for the beginning of the hat. I then switched to a size 7 (instead of size 6) for the body. I knit until the hat was 5.5", which I think was too long, before starting the decreases. I realized that the decreases go on for quite a few inches, and my hat was either going to be too long or would have a little point poking up at the top. Not a look I am interested in cultivating.
So I cut short the decreases and also switched to size 6 double pointed needles after awhile. It fits nicely, but I haven't studied how the top of it looks when on the head...scared to, I guess.
I still have a lot more gift knitting to do, and we're talking about birthdays, not holidays! But first we have some more work to finish up, and I'm also itching to get back into my stamping room. Never enough time, is there?
The hat is very lovely. I may have to knit that one for myself as well. I'm so glad you finally knit a hat for yourself.
Cute little hat! I don't think it will make you look like a conehead. You are right. There is never enough time.
Oh, that's pretty!
Hmm... even if it does end up with a tiny point, it's a pretty blue and very cute! That should help! I'd wear it anyway :D
Never NEVER enough time... I want to start about a million things but I'm sticking with my gift-stitching...
The color is so pretty. You chose a nice blue. We want to see your picture in the hat. Really, we want to see if you have a cone head lol.
I loOOVE that hat!
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