No joking, that was the title of the article this pattern came with. Love it, leaf it beret. Hrmph. I would leaf it, but it's too late. I am feeling grumpy about this hat, as you can tell. It came out too big, which is the complaint that everyone on Ravelry who has made it has. The designer claims she knits very tightly and didn't want the yarn she used (cotton and bamboo blend) to stretch out. That should have been a warning right there.
Aside from that, instead of having you decrease one stitch at a certain number of points around the crown of the hat, she has you decrease two stitches. I think the result looks pretty yucky. I haven't blocked the hat yet (anyone have a spare 12" dinner plate I can borrow? mine are all 10") but am not sure that will help much.
The bright side in all of this is that my niece is not only pretty easy-going, but definitely a lover of funky accessories. I am sure she has the panache and style to carry this thing off. I just hope she likes it! She saw the photo in the magazine and requested the hat in dark green, and that's what she's getting.
Amy, the minute I saw it I thought it was lovely. It may be bigger but it still looks very stylish.
I am not normally a big fan of beret's, but this is really adorable!! I love that stitch pattern!
I like it a lot, Amy. But I know how you feel. I just hate to knit something I am not pleased with. Makes you feel like you've wasted your time. I think she will love it, in spite of what YOU think!!
I like the leaves, and the color - and I have so much hair I have to have a big hat... so if she hates it, send it to me.
You've inspired me to pull my monster scarf back out (also, it's cold here, and I may wrap myself in it like a mummy if I ever get it done).
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