This is the latest card for my sister. I am pretty happy with it, except for the trouble I had with my new white pen. Oh well, nobody's perfect, right? I need to get busy and make some more! Twenty-nine to go. My deadline is November 1st, which should give all the cards time to reach her before the big day, November 11th. I also started making a birthday card for my niece, who will turn 18 (yikes!!) on October 20th.
I worked quite a bit on my Conwy sock today, and am now just past halfway done with the leg. I'm hoping to put in alot of time on it over the weekend. I still want to finish it by Monday (my birthday).
Another thing I did today was go to the community center to see the kids I'll be helping with English homework this year. There are alot of new kids, and they are just adorable. They asked me a ton of questions (What does this mean? How do you say ... in English? and so on). It was wonderful to see the kids I knew from last year, too. Two little boys, now in third grade, proudly showed me their English workbooks (they just started to learn English in school this year). I checked their work and told them what a great job they'd done. These kids don't get much positive reinforcement, and it always touches me how pleased and excited they are when I tell them they've done well. I'm really looking forward to working with the kids this year.
Now, if I can manage to work on the scarf tonight, that will make a lovely finish to a busy day.
1 comment:
Is there a picture of the Conwys somewhere? Did you start the second one? Enquiring minds and all that.
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