Welcome to my new blog! I'm packing my bags and running away from Yahoo 360 and their myriad photo problems. In this, my first post here at Blogger, I want to share with you the ATCs I recently received in trades. The top two cards were hand-painted by my friend Sandy, who made them especially to fit two of my interests, knitting and reading. The card below was made by my friend from 360, Sibylla. Aren't they both talented artists? I'm proud and delighted to have these ATCs in my collection.
In knitting news, I have finally started the heel flap on my first Conwy sock. I got to round 80, or about 7.5", and just couldn't take it anymore! I don't need 8" legs on my socks, anyway. It's a relief to have reached the heel, though the thought of doing the second sock already has me feeling depressed.
As for my Samus sweater, I plan to sew the shoulders closed and then take proper measurements, so that I can determine exactly how long to make the sleeves. I am not feeling the love with this project, either. I wonder how much my feeling of dissatisfaction with both of these projects stems from the fact that they are both for me. If that's the case, I need to do a little work on my attitude!
Here's my blogger account-- I have linked yours to mine as well.
I've got this blog on my GoogleReader, too, so wherever you are, I WILL find you!
Hi Amy!! Nice blog! Yay.
Good luck with it!
Perhaps you are not feeling the love on the Samus because it has been a more lengthy project. However, it certainly is beautiful!
Great job. I will change my links from 360 to here. So I can keep up with what your doing
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