Hi everyone! I have been back for a few days now, recuperating from the trip and catching up on laundry - you know the drill.
My dad's heart valve surgery went well and he was recovering nicely at home when I left. We spent many wonderful hours looking over old family photos like the one above (of my dad, his parents and his big brother, taken in 1939). I heard new-to-me details and family stories, and even looked at some letters my dad wrote to his parents from his trip to Europe in 1954. Found my maternal grandparents' marriage license and all kinds of other fabulous goodies.
I also enjoyed spending time with my mom, sister and nieces. I slept well and ate even better (nothing like Mom's cooking!). I am so glad I went, even though I arrived after the surgery was over.
I am also glad to be home. I missed my sweeties! Now that the laundry is nearly caught up (and that's with Liat doing 4 loads while I was away), I am hoping to catch up on preparations for Liat's 16th birthday, coming right up this Friday. She really wants two specific things that have not been released yet: the DVD set of Season 5 of NCIS, and a new rap CD. One will not be available for purchase until the 25th, the other not until next month, so Liat will be getting some IOUs for her birthday! I do have a trick or two up my sleeve, but I may need to borrow Hermione Granger's Time Turner in order to get everything done.
Sigh... I guess some things never change!
Amy, what a great picture!!! Thank you so much for sharing. Happy Birthday to Liat...she and I share the same birthdate and had almost forgotten that. Enjoy the day...I will be in R.I. to celebrate.
Glad you're home safe and sound! Been thinking about you and wondering how things are going.
Good luck with the time turner thingie...if you figure out where to get one, let me know!
I someone lost track of the summer and I was browsing Joansies's blog to see your commen tand I remembered you were stateside to be with your Dad. I am glad to hear it went well -- love the photo!
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