A finished object is always a cause for celebration, no matter how small. I finished up a washcloth today. The cheerful color makes me smile. The yarn is Sugar & Cream, the colorway is Daisy Ombre. I immediately started another cloth. It's the same basic Grandmother's Favorite, but with a heart in the middle. I'll post a link to the pattern once the cloth is done. I hope to make two; one for Meital and one for Liat, for Valentine's Day. I always make the girls a little something for Valentine's Day, usually bookmarks. If I can, I'll make those, too.
Most of my other knitting time today was spent on the worsted weight sock. I'm nearly done with the gusset decreases. I am really looking forward to finishing this up and getting the Heet the Feet package into the mail to the Cheyenne River Reservation.
I'm feeling somewhat better today; not great. Even my nap today was plagued by an anxiety dream. I think I may be having a delayed reaction to the stress of the past several months. Now that it's starting to look like things will get back to normal, I guess I'm relaxing my guard enough to allow myself to react physically to all the stress. I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out exactly what is going on, and now that I think I have a handle on it, I'm hoping things will work themselves out. For me, it's worse not knowing why something is happening. Thank you so much to all who wrote sending their good wishes. I appreciate it very much.
I hope to get back to my usual, more cheerful, self very soon. I'm getting pretty tired of the person I've been lately!
I am glad to hear you are feeling better and things are coming along. Did you notice that Blogger is also in Hebrew now? This way you can set up another one for your students, friends and others you keep in contact with that you would like to know what you are up to. I would cut back on the sugar, that might cause part of the headache; it makes me depressed and I get headaches with sugar, just a thought. Take care of yourself, I love your blogs and reading about your daughters.
The cloth is very pretty. Isn't it nice to just knit the simple things we first learned to knit once and awhile?
Although I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that obsesses about stuff like that, I'm sorry you had to go through it all. It's a loop that sometimes I wonder if it's possible to get out of.
Here's total recovery today!
I tend to be a worrier so I think that's where my headaches come from. We had a samll elelctrical fire here that released some horrible fumes that could have set it off. I went to a spa yesterday with 2 friends and had a deep tissue massage and drank a ton of water, went o be and all is well!
Take Care of yourself!
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